Monday, 30 January 2012

India - Lakshadweep

India - Lakshadweep

if you are tired of traveling to the same hill stations, beaches and deserts, then it is wise to turn your head towards Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep is located just off the coast of Kerala. It is the widely scattered group of coral islands, in all there are 36 of them and collectively they are known as Lakshadweep. Earlier very few Indian travel portals, tour companies and even travel agents are reluctant to make a tour to this place but after Lakshadweep became a part of the Union of India it emerged as one of the country's newest tourist destinations. 

You'll be surprised to know that tem of the islands are inhabited by simple, peace-loving folk whose language is close to that spoken in Kerala. Also herein the islanders have lifestyles and occupations that revolve around coconut cultivation, coir matting and fishing. And despite being modern and urban nothing is actually produced in the islands themselves. As everything comes from the 'mainland', as India is somewhat quaintly referred to there. 

This is the best place for the person who loves adventure sports. That's why tourism's major focus is on water sports, as each of the islands are surrounded by a coral reef providing large areas of crystal clear water for everything from snorkeling to wind surfing. From 36 islands only five islands are open to tourists have simple accommodation in the shape of beach cottages. And furthermore, for touring Lakshadweep you need a permission that can be obtained from the Lakshadweep tourist office in Cochin. But if you are traveling with Travel With Us then you don't have to worry as they'll be doing all the necessary formalities on your behalf. 

Despite being located on outskirts of India, this island city has got regular flights that operate from Cochin to one of the islands, as well as modestly priced ship cruises which stop at all the islands open to tourism. These cruises begin and end at Cochin. 

Also you don't have to worry for the equipments used in water sports as they are readily available at the islands themselves. But they are not that much into shopping as their main focus is entertainment and leisure. In short it won't be wrong to say that Lakshadweep is the perfect holiday for those who want to get away from the artifices of the world and enjoy a few days in simple yet stunningly beautiful surroundings.

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: saigalji

India - Lakshadweep Tour Reservation Form

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* Intended Month & Year of Visit:
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